So this week started alright - I've started my new job, couldn't do anything Monday due to training but wasn't worried because my routine allows for 2 days off. Tuesday first day properly at work, feeling really good and go to the pool on the way back since its on the way.
Did 13 mins (340m) and lesson very quickly learnt if I'm going from work to pool eat something before you go swimming - or at least late afternoon. I had zero energy, and was starving - also was very busy (won't always be finishing at that time) and was 5 or 6 to a land. So thought I'l leave it at that at least I've done something.
Rest of the week just failed and did nothing - all good intentions but think my body is adjusting to work life again! Anyways got to Friday gone 10pm, darn it, again I haven't done anything!! Saturday comes, sleep in not a problem go out for a run in the evening about 5pm) and really impressed myself - was going to do a normal run (for me about 2/3km) I actually did 4.22km in 34mins. An average 8min km (don't know what that is in miles) and my breathing was a massive improvement ... ok my legs may have been dying but I felt really good.
I then went home for and hour and had dinner, then actually went to the gym and completed 20km on the Bike Trainer - and even better knocked 2mins off my last best time - I completed 20km in 42.20mins. Such a shame it won't relate to outside. After seeing how much my outside running is coming on just by getting out and doing it - even if its short and slow. I am going to have to get out on my bike - and slowly build it up. From running being my weakest I definatly think my bike is going to be my biggest problem now.
After doing all of that yesterday (felt fantastic) I am paying for it today but I knew I had to do something today so I can get my weeks minutes up since last week was dreadful (My aim each week is 150mins of exercise a week) I did take the dog out for a lovely long walk but because I'm not ill I didn't count this as I did in week 2. I opted for an hour (and 8mins) of recovery exercises. This included Yoga, streches, V-Sits, balance exercises and gentle aerobic exercises, Not fantastic for CV or even specifically tri related however my poor muscles needed it - they haven't forgiven me for yesterday yet.
Hoping this week to get into a rounte with work and exercising although I fear this may not be possible because we haven't been given our shift pattern yet. Determined to do more swimming (at least twice next week), try for 2 running outside, and one bike ride outside - more if I can. Obviously I will go to the gym as well but I need to work on getting out and about! No matter what the weather.
Couch Potato to Triathlete
My Journey from doing no exercise to doing a Triathlon- a total of 11 months to train
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Slow Third Week
Third week of training and it's been a bit of a slow week on the training front for me - a total of 87mins because I've had 4 days where either I was recovering or just plain failed to get off the sofa. On the plus side I started work on Thursday which means I can start getting into a proper routine! However on the downside (exercise wise) I will be away for a few days doing training etc but I am still determined to get exercise in since it will make a nice change to driving in my car to visit the various training area's.
On the plus side the 3 sessions I did we're some of my best. It started out with my furthest run outside at 4.65km in 35.48mins - on target so far as running is conserned. I can also make that loop into a 5km by running round the field for a second time. I also picked up the pace a bit and kept up with my husband who paced me for aproximetly a km. I didn't walk to much, felt fantastic afterwards and suffered the next day. But with practice I will get better.
I did an 11min swim - not anywhere near as long as I wanted because I went in hoping to do 600-700m however when I entered there was 20mins until closing time! and I still needed to get changed, get a decent workout in and get out and changed! I could have left it but I knew already that I was down on my workout's this week so thought sod it I'l do as much as I can until I'm told to get out - which meant no stopping. It worked to my advantage because it was my fastest swim as per average lengths and no stopping at the ends to catch my breath. In 11 minutes I managed 340m - well on target for my 500m in 15mins. I think at the moment I'm doing 500m in 20mins. Or at least I know I can do 600m in 23mins.
Lastley yesterday we went to the sports hall - the plan was to show my sister in law the military fitness test because she's thinking of joining up, so we let her (and my husband) do the bleep test (which I sat out on to do the bleeps on my iphone) and then max effort pressups in a minute (I can only do girly ones) and max effort sit ups in a minute.
We were then supposed to be going on the run we did Tuesday however it was getting dark and I didn't have my reflective gear with me - and neither did my husband or his sister. So we thought we would do a mini circuit because my sister in law couldn't go into the fitness suite. Because I hadn't done the bleep test I ran twice around the hall just to warm up - then did the sit ups and press ups. Our circuit consisted of (At a minute each) Step Ups, half sits, Astride Jumps, lunges, squats and tricep dips. After which I then ran 10 laps around the hall (the others did less - although they had done the bleep test) We were hurting by this point and decided to do it again but at 30seconds to each exercise but no stopping inbetween. We did this and because my running is the weakest I did another 10laps around the hall whilst they packed up the equipment.
We worked out that I ran 1.76km at aprox 30seconds a lap (80m a lap) really pleased I did it but suffering today! The tops of my legs are aching like anything. However that isn't the reason I'm not doing anything today - thats because I'm going to London and slept in this morning.
So although the timing is not up to what I hoped I had 3 really really good work outs so I'm still pleased this week, hopefully next week I will get some more workouts in!
On the plus side the 3 sessions I did we're some of my best. It started out with my furthest run outside at 4.65km in 35.48mins - on target so far as running is conserned. I can also make that loop into a 5km by running round the field for a second time. I also picked up the pace a bit and kept up with my husband who paced me for aproximetly a km. I didn't walk to much, felt fantastic afterwards and suffered the next day. But with practice I will get better.
I did an 11min swim - not anywhere near as long as I wanted because I went in hoping to do 600-700m however when I entered there was 20mins until closing time! and I still needed to get changed, get a decent workout in and get out and changed! I could have left it but I knew already that I was down on my workout's this week so thought sod it I'l do as much as I can until I'm told to get out - which meant no stopping. It worked to my advantage because it was my fastest swim as per average lengths and no stopping at the ends to catch my breath. In 11 minutes I managed 340m - well on target for my 500m in 15mins. I think at the moment I'm doing 500m in 20mins. Or at least I know I can do 600m in 23mins.
Lastley yesterday we went to the sports hall - the plan was to show my sister in law the military fitness test because she's thinking of joining up, so we let her (and my husband) do the bleep test (which I sat out on to do the bleeps on my iphone) and then max effort pressups in a minute (I can only do girly ones) and max effort sit ups in a minute.
We were then supposed to be going on the run we did Tuesday however it was getting dark and I didn't have my reflective gear with me - and neither did my husband or his sister. So we thought we would do a mini circuit because my sister in law couldn't go into the fitness suite. Because I hadn't done the bleep test I ran twice around the hall just to warm up - then did the sit ups and press ups. Our circuit consisted of (At a minute each) Step Ups, half sits, Astride Jumps, lunges, squats and tricep dips. After which I then ran 10 laps around the hall (the others did less - although they had done the bleep test) We were hurting by this point and decided to do it again but at 30seconds to each exercise but no stopping inbetween. We did this and because my running is the weakest I did another 10laps around the hall whilst they packed up the equipment.
We worked out that I ran 1.76km at aprox 30seconds a lap (80m a lap) really pleased I did it but suffering today! The tops of my legs are aching like anything. However that isn't the reason I'm not doing anything today - thats because I'm going to London and slept in this morning.
So although the timing is not up to what I hoped I had 3 really really good work outs so I'm still pleased this week, hopefully next week I will get some more workouts in!
Sunday, 1 May 2011
2nd Week of Full Training
Well 2nd week of proper training with half a plan and its gone really really well and ignoring the headache that has nothing to do with the training I'm feeling fabolous! Total exercise time wise it is looking like this:
Week 1: 156mins
Week 2: 233mins
So a massive increase although I'm not sure it will be as much next week! I had 3 sessions in the gym - 2 10min challanges that I want to show you the results of, and then a random gym session with biking and running.
Went twice swimming - which I had a bad one and a really good one both over 600m, unfortunatly the really good one I didn't get split times - which is unfortunate but Alex couldn't see me to time me. However because of this I have taken the bullet and brought a swim watch - which counts the laps/times/pace etc for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works because it is a fairly pricey bit of kit! But Alex won't always be there - in fact the majority of the time won't be there since I'l probably do it on the way back to work.
Today I did a long walk with my puppy and husband - normally I wouldn't count this as *exercise* but since I've had a headache all day and already had my two days off I thought something was better than nothing. So we walked faster and for longer than we normally do.
So at the moment my weeks are, 4 days of 1 session training, 1 day of 2 sessions, and 2 days off. It doesn't matter what days they are on as long as I can try to keep to it. It starts Monday and finishes on Sunday.
Anyway I wanted to show you my 10 minute challenge results so here they are:
Whats even better than doing my best on 4 out 5 of the activities this is after I had done a really good session (my longest!) at the pool.
Definatly in a brilliant mood this week - lets hope the coming weeks are the same if not better! However what I have missed out on this week is outside work both on the bike and running. So my aim next week is to get at least 1 session of each in.
Week 1: 156mins
Week 2: 233mins
So a massive increase although I'm not sure it will be as much next week! I had 3 sessions in the gym - 2 10min challanges that I want to show you the results of, and then a random gym session with biking and running.
Went twice swimming - which I had a bad one and a really good one both over 600m, unfortunatly the really good one I didn't get split times - which is unfortunate but Alex couldn't see me to time me. However because of this I have taken the bullet and brought a swim watch - which counts the laps/times/pace etc for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works because it is a fairly pricey bit of kit! But Alex won't always be there - in fact the majority of the time won't be there since I'l probably do it on the way back to work.
Today I did a long walk with my puppy and husband - normally I wouldn't count this as *exercise* but since I've had a headache all day and already had my two days off I thought something was better than nothing. So we walked faster and for longer than we normally do.
So at the moment my weeks are, 4 days of 1 session training, 1 day of 2 sessions, and 2 days off. It doesn't matter what days they are on as long as I can try to keep to it. It starts Monday and finishes on Sunday.
Anyway I wanted to show you my 10 minute challenge results so here they are:
Definatly in a brilliant mood this week - lets hope the coming weeks are the same if not better! However what I have missed out on this week is outside work both on the bike and running. So my aim next week is to get at least 1 session of each in.
Monday, 25 April 2011
Pacing Yourself
Well the last week I have hit the training running! However more about that in a minute since I would like to talk about tonight since I've had a breakthrough which will be brilliant for my triathlon training.
Now I wasn't feeling well tonight and thought about not going to the gym, and told myself I would feel worse if I did. However I talked myself into going because I said I would attempt again the 10 minute challenge - so far I had done it 4 times and only completed all 5 activities once, did 4 and half of them on another. For those who don't know the 10 minute challange is to complete 10 minutes on 5 CV machines (in this order: Bike, Running, Rower, Stepper, Cross Trainer) and get as far as possible.
I thought to myself when I got to the gym the only goal of the night was to complete all 5 machines at 10 minutes, taking it nice and easy - because of this I didn't look at what I go previously so I couldn't *race* myself which I know I can do very easily!
Well goal one complete - I completed all 5 activities for the required times, not only that I also did it to what I feel was a high standard - here is my spreadsheet so far:
So overall a very good night tonight. Which shows that if I sort my pacing out - I can manage all the activities to a higher standard (Ignoring the rowing!) This is what I need for the triathlon - to pace myself throughout the event so that I have a decent change in the sections following!
Now I said I would mention what else I was up to this week. Well last week was the 20 week mark which meant I had to sort my training out - I can't compete in the triathlon without training! My first task was to find a swimming pool that wouldn't cost me a fortune! I have ended up going with LA Fitness which unfortunatly is about a 20 minute drive away; and oddly warm which I wasn't expecting when I jumped in it for my first swim!
That final sorted, on Wednesday just gone I got my bike out and tackled the scary A15 on my bike, and yes it's scary and did a small bit on the road before going the other way and finding a cycle path - I did 29 mins and just under 8km. On the same day but in the evening, me and my husband went on a run around where we live - manage 2.8km which took about 26 minutes.
So just to finish up all the exercise last week (Monday to Sunday) totalled at 156 minutes - which is a lot more than any other so far! Hopefully it will only go up from now!
Now I wasn't feeling well tonight and thought about not going to the gym, and told myself I would feel worse if I did. However I talked myself into going because I said I would attempt again the 10 minute challenge - so far I had done it 4 times and only completed all 5 activities once, did 4 and half of them on another. For those who don't know the 10 minute challange is to complete 10 minutes on 5 CV machines (in this order: Bike, Running, Rower, Stepper, Cross Trainer) and get as far as possible.
I thought to myself when I got to the gym the only goal of the night was to complete all 5 machines at 10 minutes, taking it nice and easy - because of this I didn't look at what I go previously so I couldn't *race* myself which I know I can do very easily!
Well goal one complete - I completed all 5 activities for the required times, not only that I also did it to what I feel was a high standard - here is my spreadsheet so far:
Now I said I would mention what else I was up to this week. Well last week was the 20 week mark which meant I had to sort my training out - I can't compete in the triathlon without training! My first task was to find a swimming pool that wouldn't cost me a fortune! I have ended up going with LA Fitness which unfortunatly is about a 20 minute drive away; and oddly warm which I wasn't expecting when I jumped in it for my first swim!
That final sorted, on Wednesday just gone I got my bike out and tackled the scary A15 on my bike, and yes it's scary and did a small bit on the road before going the other way and finding a cycle path - I did 29 mins and just under 8km. On the same day but in the evening, me and my husband went on a run around where we live - manage 2.8km which took about 26 minutes.
So just to finish up all the exercise last week (Monday to Sunday) totalled at 156 minutes - which is a lot more than any other so far! Hopefully it will only go up from now!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Been a Long Time
First off - an apology for it being such a long time but I hate to say it but other than taking the dog for walks I haven't actually done any proper exercise! On the plus side I have now moved into my new house, and have a new job starting a week Monday!
Any today after deciding we have had enough of sorting the house out - we went to the local gym to sort out our memberships and tours etc. Once this was sorted we both knew straight away that we were going to the gym - we've really not had an excuse to go out running or me to go out on the bike but I shall use the excuse we were sorting the house out!
New gym but virtually the same equipment except the CV and the Weights are othersides of the sports hall - and theres a spin bike with a virtual trainer on it. I've never been spinning but heard a lot about it so thought I would give it a go because at the moment I can't get into a routine because as of Thursday I will be back in the old house sorting it out (however that does mean I should get a lot of outside running done with nothing in the house to entertain me bar cleaning!)
Did a warm up on the recumbant bike then went to the spin bike - took a while to sort it out but eventially I did - origionally was going to do it as part of my 10 minute challenge but then realised the only programes we're 30mins - not a problem I thought. Got to 10mins and was sweating so much and dying that I stuck to my origional 10 minutes. When I got off I wasn't able to walk in a straight line!! Think I over estimated myself and need to readjust next time - at least I now have a target of completing the 30mins on it.
As you can probably tell I was dying! Also probably hasn't helped not doing exercise in almost a month ..... whoops. So onto the treadmill which has an up to date computer (very fancy) and thought I would try something less demanding and not over estimate my fitness again. I choose the kilimonjaro Task - basically you choose from 10 levels, and up to 6.5 kmph and then depending on your level and your speed it chooses a time you will need. The reason its kilimonjaro is because you go up the incline and then back down it - with an image of kilimonjaro behind on the screen showing your progress (2000ft).
I chose level 5 with it being the middle, and speed 6kmph because thats a fast walking speed for me. It took 45mins and I climbed 266 feet - and was actually harder than I thought - not on breathing but your muscles etc. and at the end when the incline was decreasing I found it hard not to speed up - but I'm glad I didn't. In the last 10minutes alex jumped onto the treadmill next to me, joined me at 6kmph so we could work on my pace because although we are the same height - I take 3/4 steps to his one - which is a lot of wasted effort on my part. It was a brilliant exercise and really stretched my legs.
Also I have now re-done my spreadsheets here is what I have done so far from setting off into the world of exercise. I have noticed I used to put walks on there - which I refuse to do now because it isn't real exercise!
Any today after deciding we have had enough of sorting the house out - we went to the local gym to sort out our memberships and tours etc. Once this was sorted we both knew straight away that we were going to the gym - we've really not had an excuse to go out running or me to go out on the bike but I shall use the excuse we were sorting the house out!
New gym but virtually the same equipment except the CV and the Weights are othersides of the sports hall - and theres a spin bike with a virtual trainer on it. I've never been spinning but heard a lot about it so thought I would give it a go because at the moment I can't get into a routine because as of Thursday I will be back in the old house sorting it out (however that does mean I should get a lot of outside running done with nothing in the house to entertain me bar cleaning!)
Did a warm up on the recumbant bike then went to the spin bike - took a while to sort it out but eventially I did - origionally was going to do it as part of my 10 minute challenge but then realised the only programes we're 30mins - not a problem I thought. Got to 10mins and was sweating so much and dying that I stuck to my origional 10 minutes. When I got off I wasn't able to walk in a straight line!! Think I over estimated myself and need to readjust next time - at least I now have a target of completing the 30mins on it.
As you can probably tell I was dying! Also probably hasn't helped not doing exercise in almost a month ..... whoops. So onto the treadmill which has an up to date computer (very fancy) and thought I would try something less demanding and not over estimate my fitness again. I choose the kilimonjaro Task - basically you choose from 10 levels, and up to 6.5 kmph and then depending on your level and your speed it chooses a time you will need. The reason its kilimonjaro is because you go up the incline and then back down it - with an image of kilimonjaro behind on the screen showing your progress (2000ft).
I chose level 5 with it being the middle, and speed 6kmph because thats a fast walking speed for me. It took 45mins and I climbed 266 feet - and was actually harder than I thought - not on breathing but your muscles etc. and at the end when the incline was decreasing I found it hard not to speed up - but I'm glad I didn't. In the last 10minutes alex jumped onto the treadmill next to me, joined me at 6kmph so we could work on my pace because although we are the same height - I take 3/4 steps to his one - which is a lot of wasted effort on my part. It was a brilliant exercise and really stretched my legs.
Also I have now re-done my spreadsheets here is what I have done so far from setting off into the world of exercise. I have noticed I used to put walks on there - which I refuse to do now because it isn't real exercise!
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Hard Cycle
The sun was shining and I had done the kitchen so thought I would take the bike out for the first time in my gear and go for slightly longer than I did last time. I had a really good run although made the mistake of not sticking to my planned route and went down a road that look like amazing fun. Which it was and I loved it and made me think whats taken me so long to get a bike. But then I had to come up bradnam hill and for those of you who don't know bradnam hill I'l just say that the car struggles to get up it sometimes. So I will admit I walked up the steepest part and died walking up it! I am pleased to say I did get back on my bike at the top of the steepest bit to finish off the hill and cycle home.
So I will say I am really pleased with my cycle today and I realise I have a lot of work to do since I did 7.75km in 37.53 - however I did also climb 109m (in one go) and I know the triathlon route is regarded as flat. So here is a chart of my workout:
Along the bottom is distance, left side is speed, right side is elevation.
Problems I need to sort out are:
- Water bottel - whether I get a holder or take a bag I don't care but I was sooo thirsty today
- Move the seat forward a bit - I did try and fail and I should of perserved it was uncomfortable
- Learn to use gears effeciantly because I'm wasting so much effort getting them wrong
-avoid pot holes - they hurt.
Overall a positive session but I am worried about getting down to 20km in 40 minutes which is my plan for the triathlon - and that will be after the swim and the run still to go, arrghh!!
So I will say I am really pleased with my cycle today and I realise I have a lot of work to do since I did 7.75km in 37.53 - however I did also climb 109m (in one go) and I know the triathlon route is regarded as flat. So here is a chart of my workout:

Problems I need to sort out are:
- Water bottel - whether I get a holder or take a bag I don't care but I was sooo thirsty today
- Move the seat forward a bit - I did try and fail and I should of perserved it was uncomfortable
- Learn to use gears effeciantly because I'm wasting so much effort getting them wrong
-avoid pot holes - they hurt.
Overall a positive session but I am worried about getting down to 20km in 40 minutes which is my plan for the triathlon - and that will be after the swim and the run still to go, arrghh!!
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Double Work Out
What a lovely day it was today - so I finished half an hour early from work to go on a run. So we decided to do the same as my first one - down to the village hall - walk around the field and run back again - see if we could beat our time.
We ran 1.73km with no stopping - so I'm really pleased with myself, well no I lie - we had a very quick stop to tie my shoelace up and at that point we decided we would go a different route. We got to 2km then did 1.5km cross country. I will show you the chart of the very steep hill we ran up - and yes I said ran - to the top of the steepest bit, walked the field (I died on the run up the hill but I did run up the hill yay) and then ran in the woods.

The light pink behind is the elevation, the black line is my speed and it's done on distance.
So I did a really hard run (for me) where I really struggled after running the hill, got home had an apple and then went out for a swim. Trialing a new app that is basically a counter that my husband clicks on every lap. Now the only error in this is when I had a slow lap and the phone went onto screen saver and also he couldn't see one end of the pool. So although not 100% accurate a lot more accurate than I did about 13 laps in 15mins. So here are my lap times:
Lap 1 0:43.4
Lap 2 0:45.7
Lap 3 1:6.4
Lap 4 0:55.7
Lap 5 0:50.6
Lap 6 1:4.
Lap 7 0:58.2
Lap 8 1:1.3
Lap 9 0:57.2
Lap 10 1:0.7
Lap 11 1:24.7
Lap 12 0:56.9
Lap 13 0:55.4
Lap 14 0:55.1
Lap 15 1:8.5
Lap 16 0:53.8
The longer ones are where I've had a rest but Alex can't see me. I am very pleased especially since this is the first time I've done two sporting activities so close together. My plan was to do 20 minutes of swimming however I learnt the art of eating - or I have now. Before going running at 1650 I had lunch at 1230 and a packet of raisins at 1600, then after the run I had an apple and then when swimming I had zero energy when I finished lap 16 (didn't know it was lap 16 at the time) said to myself I'l do 4 more went to go and felt really ill.
Once I got out of the pool I had to have some energy so ate a chocolate bar before going back home for tea. This shows me the importance of making sure I eat right before doing a lot of exercise - especially important for the triathlon as I will be doing the different sports in a row.
All in all a brilliant day and I can't wait to get out running again :D
We ran 1.73km with no stopping - so I'm really pleased with myself, well no I lie - we had a very quick stop to tie my shoelace up and at that point we decided we would go a different route. We got to 2km then did 1.5km cross country. I will show you the chart of the very steep hill we ran up - and yes I said ran - to the top of the steepest bit, walked the field (I died on the run up the hill but I did run up the hill yay) and then ran in the woods.

The light pink behind is the elevation, the black line is my speed and it's done on distance.
So I did a really hard run (for me) where I really struggled after running the hill, got home had an apple and then went out for a swim. Trialing a new app that is basically a counter that my husband clicks on every lap. Now the only error in this is when I had a slow lap and the phone went onto screen saver and also he couldn't see one end of the pool. So although not 100% accurate a lot more accurate than I did about 13 laps in 15mins. So here are my lap times:
Lap 1 0:43.4
Lap 2 0:45.7
Lap 3 1:6.4
Lap 4 0:55.7
Lap 5 0:50.6
Lap 6 1:4.
Lap 7 0:58.2
Lap 8 1:1.3
Lap 9 0:57.2
Lap 10 1:0.7
Lap 11 1:24.7
Lap 12 0:56.9
Lap 13 0:55.4
Lap 14 0:55.1
Lap 15 1:8.5
Lap 16 0:53.8
The longer ones are where I've had a rest but Alex can't see me. I am very pleased especially since this is the first time I've done two sporting activities so close together. My plan was to do 20 minutes of swimming however I learnt the art of eating - or I have now. Before going running at 1650 I had lunch at 1230 and a packet of raisins at 1600, then after the run I had an apple and then when swimming I had zero energy when I finished lap 16 (didn't know it was lap 16 at the time) said to myself I'l do 4 more went to go and felt really ill.
Once I got out of the pool I had to have some energy so ate a chocolate bar before going back home for tea. This shows me the importance of making sure I eat right before doing a lot of exercise - especially important for the triathlon as I will be doing the different sports in a row.
All in all a brilliant day and I can't wait to get out running again :D
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
I have finally done it - though mabye kicking and screaming - we went for a run in the wide world instead of hiding in the gym. (Although my husband does do outside running anyway!) I must say I was very very impressed with my self - the plan was to run/walk to Naphill village hall, walk around the field and run/walk back. Using my new funky iphone app (Micoach) (and a pocked sewn into my t-shirt) I was able to track my route, speed, distance, calories (no idea how accurate) and pace as well as splits which I don't understand.
To the village hall it was 1.91km and I walked for only 0.23km - so for more than half which is what I thought I would be able - we then walked half a km (exactly) around the field, which helped get rid of the stitch I had - we then finished at a total marker of 4.18km - although I did walk more often on the way back (but definatly not more than half)
What I was going to say suprised me was that we were slower on the way back - but putting elevation as an overlay - its actually up hill coming back :D
At least the first barrier has been broken - I have been outside :D
To the village hall it was 1.91km and I walked for only 0.23km - so for more than half which is what I thought I would be able - we then walked half a km (exactly) around the field, which helped get rid of the stitch I had - we then finished at a total marker of 4.18km - although I did walk more often on the way back (but definatly not more than half)
What I was going to say suprised me was that we were slower on the way back - but putting elevation as an overlay - its actually up hill coming back :D
At least the first barrier has been broken - I have been outside :D
Sunday, 20 February 2011
I know I've been busy lately (namely sorting out the house and learning to drive!) but since it was a dry day ( I would say nice but I won't) I thought I would take my bike out for a ride - the longest I've been on my new bike is to the end of the road and back. Also I wanted to test out a new app. on my phone which is call MiCoach and using GPS measures your speed, distance, calories (not worried) and time - and you can see your results afterwards and it puts your route on a map. It has charts etc showing you your speed/elevation etc throughtout the workout (It does running, walking, cycling and randomly nordic skiing) - I've actually found it very useful.
Now I was out for 17.34 which got me 4.24km and was a good test ride because it means I know there is a few adjustments I need to make on the bike - namely moving the seat forward a bit. Also one of my biggest problems is the gears - I am struggling to use them effectively. I am looking to going out again - even if my *flat* route definatly wasn't flat!
Now I was out for 17.34 which got me 4.24km and was a good test ride because it means I know there is a few adjustments I need to make on the bike - namely moving the seat forward a bit. Also one of my biggest problems is the gears - I am struggling to use them effectively. I am looking to going out again - even if my *flat* route definatly wasn't flat!
Friday, 11 February 2011
Back into It
Right it has been time to man up and get my arse off the sofa and start my training back up! I was going to ease into it slowly but that went out the window when I got there. So CV wise this I did 10km in 22.26 which I think is a decent time for me and the without a break I went to running 2.5km (so half the distances required for my triathlon and without the swim) I did the run in 19.10 again which I think is ok but does need improving. I did it 0.25km at 6 and 0.25km at 11 which killed me to be fair and I will be doing a gradual moving up in the speed which gets me there fastest and doesn't kill me!!
Because we haven't got a huge amount of time today we only did 1 min max of press ups and sit ups with no weights! I did worse than I normally do with 17 press ups (girly ones I have yet to advance to proper ones) and 29 sit ups.
We have planned tommorow my first outside run in who knows how many years! Fingers crossed its not raining.
Because we haven't got a huge amount of time today we only did 1 min max of press ups and sit ups with no weights! I did worse than I normally do with 17 press ups (girly ones I have yet to advance to proper ones) and 29 sit ups.
We have planned tommorow my first outside run in who knows how many years! Fingers crossed its not raining.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Back to the Gym
Unfortunatly I am not here to say I have been to the gym - more say about how difficult it is to get back to going to the gym. Before I went to Australia I was in the gym 3/4 times a week for 2 hours at a time - since I came back I have been once and ran out of valid reasons. The stupid thing is I want to go but haven't.
I have got my bike fixed, new comfy seat, new lights and new tyre so my plan after this weekend (I am away this weekend) is to have 3 sessions a week - more realistic with my current situation. I want one session either an outside run or a swim, one session a bike ride and one in the gym. If I do more its a bonus but thats my plan - I have always worked better with a plan like when I went before.
I think the main problem at the moment is I like me time to sit and chill and not do anything - I don't want it all the time but whilst working longer hours at work and learning to drive in 2 months it doesn't leave a lot of time and I dont want to be going down the gym and then learning to drive - i need my whole mind on the driving and not on that pain or ache from the gym.
I am still doing the triathlon and the 5km race (sept and june) I am just having a small lull in my training but soon to be hit back up again :D
I have got my bike fixed, new comfy seat, new lights and new tyre so my plan after this weekend (I am away this weekend) is to have 3 sessions a week - more realistic with my current situation. I want one session either an outside run or a swim, one session a bike ride and one in the gym. If I do more its a bonus but thats my plan - I have always worked better with a plan like when I went before.
I think the main problem at the moment is I like me time to sit and chill and not do anything - I don't want it all the time but whilst working longer hours at work and learning to drive in 2 months it doesn't leave a lot of time and I dont want to be going down the gym and then learning to drive - i need my whole mind on the driving and not on that pain or ache from the gym.
I am still doing the triathlon and the 5km race (sept and june) I am just having a small lull in my training but soon to be hit back up again :D
Monday, 24 January 2011
Back to Work
Oh dear far too long has passed since I have written but I haven't given up in fact I am still raring to go :D and I signed up for Race for Life which I have always wanted to do but always found a reason not to do it.
I slightly over did it again today but then I think in my head that I hadn't been for a while so had to make up for it, however I did 6 weights all at my normal ones and 2 sets of 10 reps although it was more like 4 sets of 5 reps i was suffering a little bit.
I am very very pleased at my sit ups and press ups - yes press ups me! (Ok admitally girly ones but I couldn't even do them 3 months ago) I thought I would do it in a minute like the RAF do their fitness test. I did 35 sit ups which is a pass :D yay and 20 (Wow) press ups which wouldnt be a pass because they were girly ones and you need 10 real press ups, but you used to have to do 12 girly press ups so I would of passed that one.
Onto my 10 minute challenge:

As you can see I didn't do the last 2 because I thought I was going to throw up but actually I just needed a really big wee, but even so it was already 2115 so went onto the weights instead.
Also due to my poor balance, flexability and core stability in April when I move house I start Ballet lessons - something I haven't done since I was a toddler!
I slightly over did it again today but then I think in my head that I hadn't been for a while so had to make up for it, however I did 6 weights all at my normal ones and 2 sets of 10 reps although it was more like 4 sets of 5 reps i was suffering a little bit.
I am very very pleased at my sit ups and press ups - yes press ups me! (Ok admitally girly ones but I couldn't even do them 3 months ago) I thought I would do it in a minute like the RAF do their fitness test. I did 35 sit ups which is a pass :D yay and 20 (Wow) press ups which wouldnt be a pass because they were girly ones and you need 10 real press ups, but you used to have to do 12 girly press ups so I would of passed that one.
Onto my 10 minute challenge:

As you can see I didn't do the last 2 because I thought I was going to throw up but actually I just needed a really big wee, but even so it was already 2115 so went onto the weights instead.
Also due to my poor balance, flexability and core stability in April when I move house I start Ballet lessons - something I haven't done since I was a toddler!
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Working Through a Cold
I never thought I would be complaining about a cold - well I am. After a brilliant Friday session with my first ever 5km it killed me. It was because I was ill so what I would of been feeling anyways was 10 * worse. I was asleep for 22 hours of so on Saturday and wasn't much better Sunday however we did take the dog for over an hour out to Wendover Woods which has some lovely steep hills!
Again on Monday I wasn't well, so today I knew I had to go slowly in the gym- if I was going to go at all. I did decide to go and decided to do a easy 30min bike, on Fat Burn, not because I want to loose fat but because it controls the resistance so my heart rate stayed low. I wasn't to sure because I didn't feel I was working hard enough but I stuck at it and ignored the temptation to up the level.
After 30mins I got to 17.40km which I was suprised at. I was feeling good - a little sweaty but not out of breath so jumped on the cross trainer - did fat burn again and lasted less than a minuted because I couldn't breath through the nose and thought I won't risk it - I've done my 30mins that I said I would I'l leave it at that. (although I did jog home just to make me feel better)
If I wasn't going away I would of pushed it - however I want to be 110% going to Auz
Again on Monday I wasn't well, so today I knew I had to go slowly in the gym- if I was going to go at all. I did decide to go and decided to do a easy 30min bike, on Fat Burn, not because I want to loose fat but because it controls the resistance so my heart rate stayed low. I wasn't to sure because I didn't feel I was working hard enough but I stuck at it and ignored the temptation to up the level.
After 30mins I got to 17.40km which I was suprised at. I was feeling good - a little sweaty but not out of breath so jumped on the cross trainer - did fat burn again and lasted less than a minuted because I couldn't breath through the nose and thought I won't risk it - I've done my 30mins that I said I would I'l leave it at that. (although I did jog home just to make me feel better)
If I wasn't going away I would of pushed it - however I want to be 110% going to Auz
Friday, 10 December 2010
Hit the 5km
My nose is running, I'm sweating like a big and shaking like a leaf but I couldn't be happier - today I hit 5km on the treadmill.
I went to the gym with a plan of action, a very simple plan of action - no circuits, no weights, no sit ups, no intervals just get to 5km even if it took me an hour walking it. My game plan was actually to just walk/jog it but I felt good (in a way) at 4km and ran the last km. It doesn't sound a lot but I think the furthest I have gone (not including dog walking or my charity walk :D ) is 2.5km in 30mins.
The time I did it in was 41:50 which I am so pleased at, in fact I am estatic I got it under 50mins - I think its because I did it by distance. Here is my break down of my first ever 5km:
0.00 ---------- 6 ------- Walk
0.50 ---------- 6.5 ----- Walk
1.00 ---------- 7 -------- Jog
1.50 --------- 7.5 ------ Jog
2.00 -------- 8 --------- Jog
3.00 -------- 6---------- Walk
3.50 -------- 6.5 ------- Walk
4.00 ------- 9 ---------- Run
4.50 ------ 10 ---------- Run
4.70 ------ 6 ----------- Walk
4.80 ------ 10 ---------- Run
4.90 ------ 11 ---------- Run
As you can see I broke it down (on the treadmill) by distance and at the beginning it was very difficult to stay walking - I wanted to run because I didn't feel as though I was working hard enough. But I told myself before I went to the gym I would only increase it every half km if I was feeling good and by no more the .5 of a level. Now by 4km I did change this but I wanted to push myself and I was confident that I would reach 5km.
All I have to do now is translate it to running outside instead of a treadmill because unfortunatly I can't do it like that outside. I don't know what I'm like running outside yet (because I haven't been!) however I know I can do the distance now.
I also feel that I could of stayed in to do some weights and a few sit ups but I can push my self too hard in the gym and it takes longer to recover - so although I do want to some more I won't - so that I can go down the gym tommorow :D
Update day after the run: OWWWWWW I am so sore, not that its putting me off doing it again, I'm just aching from head to toe. I was warned I would ache but after being alright after an hour or 2 from the gym I stupidly thought my body would agree with exercise. However I do feel like an old lady right now, so I won't be going to the gym today but do some lighter exercise (a long walk or the Wii Fit!) and go back to the gym tommorow.
I went to the gym with a plan of action, a very simple plan of action - no circuits, no weights, no sit ups, no intervals just get to 5km even if it took me an hour walking it. My game plan was actually to just walk/jog it but I felt good (in a way) at 4km and ran the last km. It doesn't sound a lot but I think the furthest I have gone (not including dog walking or my charity walk :D ) is 2.5km in 30mins.
The time I did it in was 41:50 which I am so pleased at, in fact I am estatic I got it under 50mins - I think its because I did it by distance. Here is my break down of my first ever 5km:
0.00 ---------- 6 ------- Walk
0.50 ---------- 6.5 ----- Walk
1.00 ---------- 7 -------- Jog
1.50 --------- 7.5 ------ Jog
2.00 -------- 8 --------- Jog
3.00 -------- 6---------- Walk
3.50 -------- 6.5 ------- Walk
4.00 ------- 9 ---------- Run
4.50 ------ 10 ---------- Run
4.70 ------ 6 ----------- Walk
4.80 ------ 10 ---------- Run
4.90 ------ 11 ---------- Run
As you can see I broke it down (on the treadmill) by distance and at the beginning it was very difficult to stay walking - I wanted to run because I didn't feel as though I was working hard enough. But I told myself before I went to the gym I would only increase it every half km if I was feeling good and by no more the .5 of a level. Now by 4km I did change this but I wanted to push myself and I was confident that I would reach 5km.
All I have to do now is translate it to running outside instead of a treadmill because unfortunatly I can't do it like that outside. I don't know what I'm like running outside yet (because I haven't been!) however I know I can do the distance now.
I also feel that I could of stayed in to do some weights and a few sit ups but I can push my self too hard in the gym and it takes longer to recover - so although I do want to some more I won't - so that I can go down the gym tommorow :D
Update day after the run: OWWWWWW I am so sore, not that its putting me off doing it again, I'm just aching from head to toe. I was warned I would ache but after being alright after an hour or 2 from the gym I stupidly thought my body would agree with exercise. However I do feel like an old lady right now, so I won't be going to the gym today but do some lighter exercise (a long walk or the Wii Fit!) and go back to the gym tommorow.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Swimming but with a cold
Lesson learnt don't swim with a cold - it takes it right out of you!! I did however complete the 500ms for this month. I was expecting my time to be slower because I miscounted by 4 lengths last time. So my last time was 15 minutes exactly this time was 18minutes 58 seconds.
Now this doesn't sound a fantastic time but I wasn't 100% and mabye I should of waited (except my pool does shut and I'm running to Australia) but I am pleased with my time but I am feeling it. My right leg mainly which is cramping - although I think that is due more to yesterdays run than todays swim!!
Also some people can be so rude in the pool! There are 3 lanes per say in our pool - a slow lane, a fast lane and a do whatever lane (which is about the size of 3 lanes). Now I am a slow swimmer hence I'm in the slow lane when I got there there was another person in the pool. I check what way we have to go and I look at him (my feet are in the pool) he's going the wrong way. But to be nice I thought I would go the same way as him - guess what I got told off!!
Anyway later on there was another person in the slow lane (making 3 of us) and the person who was already in, is all over the place not going any particular way and is really fast! Sorry but if the fast lane has 1 person in, the slow person has 3 people in and your lapping both people in it - get in the fast lane!
Sorry rant over it just really annoyed me!!
Now this doesn't sound a fantastic time but I wasn't 100% and mabye I should of waited (except my pool does shut and I'm running to Australia) but I am pleased with my time but I am feeling it. My right leg mainly which is cramping - although I think that is due more to yesterdays run than todays swim!!
Also some people can be so rude in the pool! There are 3 lanes per say in our pool - a slow lane, a fast lane and a do whatever lane (which is about the size of 3 lanes). Now I am a slow swimmer hence I'm in the slow lane when I got there there was another person in the pool. I check what way we have to go and I look at him (my feet are in the pool) he's going the wrong way. But to be nice I thought I would go the same way as him - guess what I got told off!!
Anyway later on there was another person in the slow lane (making 3 of us) and the person who was already in, is all over the place not going any particular way and is really fast! Sorry but if the fast lane has 1 person in, the slow person has 3 people in and your lapping both people in it - get in the fast lane!
Sorry rant over it just really annoyed me!!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Gym Time
Again wasn't going to go to the gym but because Co-Op didn't have any eggs so I couldn't have my soldiers and egg I went to the gym instead. I am pleased I did here are my 10 minute challenege results:
Now I'm still not 100% which shows as I get through it. My bike is an improvement from the last time I was well - although worst than yesterday when I was ill.
My run I am very pleased with, it is slowly creeping up - I wonder if I can reach 2km in 10minutes, I doubt before Australia but certainly at some point in the next year!!
Now my rower was worse and my cross trainer was worse (I only did 5minutes on the CT).
The reason I didn't do the weights today wasn't just because I was dying but also because I was the only one in the gym and while I wasn't feel to good I thought it wasn't the best idea to do weights on my own (which generally isn't a good idea anyways) but I did do 50 Jack Knives when I went home.
The plan for tommorow night is to improve my times on my Tri workout.

My run I am very pleased with, it is slowly creeping up - I wonder if I can reach 2km in 10minutes, I doubt before Australia but certainly at some point in the next year!!
Now my rower was worse and my cross trainer was worse (I only did 5minutes on the CT).
The reason I didn't do the weights today wasn't just because I was dying but also because I was the only one in the gym and while I wasn't feel to good I thought it wasn't the best idea to do weights on my own (which generally isn't a good idea anyways) but I did do 50 Jack Knives when I went home.
The plan for tommorow night is to improve my times on my Tri workout.
I am a member of the Beginner Triathlete Forum and people's signitures inspire me or make me laugh - here is a selection of what I feel are the best:
Work to live, dont live to work
Its better to have memories rather than dreams
Why do I do these things? because one day I wont be able too
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw
"Everybody's got a plan until they get hit." Mike Tyson
Laura Elorde: “When you treat people right and you have the heart for everybody, they will respect you, love you and remember you.”
There is no staying the same. You are either striving to get better, or allowing yourself to get worse.
"I will prepare and someday my chance will come"
Celebrate success; even if it is not your own.
One Life, One Chance
Happy are they who dream dreams and have the courage to see them through.
Never confuse having a career with having a life
Follow your dreams. Except for that one where you're naked at work.
You're only as good as your last race.
"If you can't win, make the fellow ahead of you break the record."
"If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race its up to you." -Dave Scott, Triathlete
Train hard, race easy.
"If you believe only in what others see in you, you'll be forever at the mercy of their limited imaginations." – dredwards
Train smart, race hard, and results will take care of themselves.
A champion is someone who actually does what others only talk about doing.
'Do or do not, there is no try.' Yoda
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw
"When you have been trained, you may eat." Master Shifu, Kung Fu Panda
"Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit"--Vince Lombardi
I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be. Douglas Adams
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." ~ Michael Jordan
”I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them.” -- Picasso.
There is no beauty but the beauty of action.
"Keep going. You will be tired. Just keep going." –Whizzzzz
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." ~ Winston Churchill
"When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived." ~ Henry David Thoreau
Listen to your body, just don't believe it all the time.
I'm not slow, I'm just enjoying the race longer.
"It never gets easier, you just go faster!" -Greg LeMond
To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." - The Little Engine That Could
In order to succeed, one must first make the attempt.
Keep chipping away at it.
Just say NO to negativity!
"There will come a day you won't be able to do this; today is not that day."
There's nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and then chewing anyway.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke
"It's never too late to become what you might have been". George Elliot
this is not a dress rehearsal, this is it your life.
If it is worth having then it is worth working for!
So a big thank you for all of these little snippets, they are always good motivation
Work to live, dont live to work
Its better to have memories rather than dreams
Why do I do these things? because one day I wont be able too
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw
"Everybody's got a plan until they get hit." Mike Tyson
Laura Elorde: “When you treat people right and you have the heart for everybody, they will respect you, love you and remember you.”
There is no staying the same. You are either striving to get better, or allowing yourself to get worse.
"I will prepare and someday my chance will come"
Celebrate success; even if it is not your own.
One Life, One Chance
Happy are they who dream dreams and have the courage to see them through.
Never confuse having a career with having a life
Follow your dreams. Except for that one where you're naked at work.
You're only as good as your last race.
"If you can't win, make the fellow ahead of you break the record."
"If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race its up to you." -Dave Scott, Triathlete
Train hard, race easy.
"If you believe only in what others see in you, you'll be forever at the mercy of their limited imaginations." – dredwards
Train smart, race hard, and results will take care of themselves.
A champion is someone who actually does what others only talk about doing.
'Do or do not, there is no try.' Yoda
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw
"When you have been trained, you may eat." Master Shifu, Kung Fu Panda
"Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit"--Vince Lombardi
I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be. Douglas Adams
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." ~ Michael Jordan
”I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them.” -- Picasso.
There is no beauty but the beauty of action.
"Keep going. You will be tired. Just keep going." –Whizzzzz
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." ~ Winston Churchill
"When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived." ~ Henry David Thoreau
Listen to your body, just don't believe it all the time.
I'm not slow, I'm just enjoying the race longer.
"It never gets easier, you just go faster!" -Greg LeMond
To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." - The Little Engine That Could
In order to succeed, one must first make the attempt.
Keep chipping away at it.
Just say NO to negativity!
"There will come a day you won't be able to do this; today is not that day."
There's nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and then chewing anyway.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke
"It's never too late to become what you might have been". George Elliot
this is not a dress rehearsal, this is it your life.
If it is worth having then it is worth working for!
So a big thank you for all of these little snippets, they are always good motivation
Monday, 6 December 2010
Weekend Off
The first this is I haven't been to the gym since I went on Thursday so I am really pleased I went on Thursday as I was hoping to go last night but it was late and I was tired. Now that isn't to say I sat around doing nothing all weekend, Friday I did my normal 2 mile walk with going to work, and saturday and Sunday I was mostly on my feet doing Bag Packing with the Air Cadets.
I do feel like I've had a real poor weekend and I did miss going out and doing something to make me sweat and get my heart rate up. I know it is also a good thing to have a rest especially since I haven't been to good (I would say man flu but I'm not a man!).
The plan of action tonight which is the 10 minute challenge. Now I have posted previous results on the 10 minute challenge but didn't really explain what the 10 minute challenge was. It is basically what it says it is, on each machine you have 10 minutes to do as much as you can, you can have breaks in between but there is no set time - it is up to you not to take the piss. Also to keep at the same levels where you can so you can get an accurate reading for increase of distance.
Here are my goals for tonights 10 minute challenge - I will let you know tommorow if I reach them! (or mabye edit this post tonight to let you know!)
Bike -------------- 5km (previous 4.37)
Run -------------- 1.5 km (previous 1.37)
Rower------------ 2000m (previous 1762m)
Stepper ---------- 1km (previous 0.74km)
Cross Trainer --- 2.3km (previous 2.02km)
Now I know it will be diffucult to get these because I worked my butt off last time and struggled certainly with the running and the cross trainer but the whole point of training is to get better!! Again I will be doing 2 arm weights, and 2 leg weights as well as 50 sit ups.
Fail: If you are ill and have been asleep most of the day don't go to the gym - it will make you feel even worse than you already do. Lesson of the day get well before working out (since you won't be able to if you aren't well)
If you would like to sponser me visit
I do feel like I've had a real poor weekend and I did miss going out and doing something to make me sweat and get my heart rate up. I know it is also a good thing to have a rest especially since I haven't been to good (I would say man flu but I'm not a man!).
The plan of action tonight which is the 10 minute challenge. Now I have posted previous results on the 10 minute challenge but didn't really explain what the 10 minute challenge was. It is basically what it says it is, on each machine you have 10 minutes to do as much as you can, you can have breaks in between but there is no set time - it is up to you not to take the piss. Also to keep at the same levels where you can so you can get an accurate reading for increase of distance.
Here are my goals for tonights 10 minute challenge - I will let you know tommorow if I reach them! (or mabye edit this post tonight to let you know!)
Bike -------------- 5km (previous 4.37)
Run -------------- 1.5 km (previous 1.37)
Rower------------ 2000m (previous 1762m)
Stepper ---------- 1km (previous 0.74km)
Cross Trainer --- 2.3km (previous 2.02km)
Now I know it will be diffucult to get these because I worked my butt off last time and struggled certainly with the running and the cross trainer but the whole point of training is to get better!! Again I will be doing 2 arm weights, and 2 leg weights as well as 50 sit ups.
Fail: If you are ill and have been asleep most of the day don't go to the gym - it will make you feel even worse than you already do. Lesson of the day get well before working out (since you won't be able to if you aren't well)
If you would like to sponser me visit
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Gym Bug
I think I have caught the gym bug which is always dangerous. After a really good session yesterday I decided last night I would try and push my tri work out today. But after a day of oversleeping and getting late to work, sniffing and snivelling all day, no concentration and a headache I decided I won't do I will rest and have a day off.
That was all good but it got to just gone half 6 and felt an urge to go I managed to ignore it for about 40 minutes but then went and got changed and I'm glad I did because I beat the majority of my times. Except for the stepper and the crosstrainer. Here are my results today:

The reason there is one on the crosstrainer is because the rowers were all taken up. The whole point of this routine is that you don't stop and the problem is you never know how long other people are going to take. I did the stepper first to try and wait them out but in the end I thought I best do another exercise instead.
I will say listen to your body ignore your routine if you body is telling you something different - otherwise you will make yourself ill. On this routine your supposed to go from one machine to the next without a break until you finish the circuit - after my cycle I was really thirsty so I took a 30 second break so that I could have a cup of water and get some fluids into me! But remember is you are drinking drink slowly and don't gulp.
One last thing that I noticed tonight is I really missed my partner on the weight section, I think my form went down, and I made a silly mistake on one of them. He was at work tonight but I do appreciate him being there because whilst he's couting I can concentrate on my form.
That was all good but it got to just gone half 6 and felt an urge to go I managed to ignore it for about 40 minutes but then went and got changed and I'm glad I did because I beat the majority of my times. Except for the stepper and the crosstrainer. Here are my results today:

The reason there is one on the crosstrainer is because the rowers were all taken up. The whole point of this routine is that you don't stop and the problem is you never know how long other people are going to take. I did the stepper first to try and wait them out but in the end I thought I best do another exercise instead.
I will say listen to your body ignore your routine if you body is telling you something different - otherwise you will make yourself ill. On this routine your supposed to go from one machine to the next without a break until you finish the circuit - after my cycle I was really thirsty so I took a 30 second break so that I could have a cup of water and get some fluids into me! But remember is you are drinking drink slowly and don't gulp.
One last thing that I noticed tonight is I really missed my partner on the weight section, I think my form went down, and I made a silly mistake on one of them. He was at work tonight but I do appreciate him being there because whilst he's couting I can concentrate on my form.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
December Cycle Ride
First day of the month and I thought I would get the 20km bike ride out the way - now as you can imagine with the snow or ice it wasn't outside it was in the gym again. I did it in 42:54 which is faster than begining of last month where it was 44:40.
Aswell as the 20km bike ride I did the following weights: (all 10*2)
Seated Leg Curl ---------- 30kg
Seated Leg Press --------- 50kg
Calf Extention ------------ 35kg
Leg Extention ------------ 25kg
Row/Rear Deltoid -------- 15kg
Chest Press -------------- 15kg
Shoulder Press ----------- 3kg
Assisted Chin Up --------- 47kg
and 50 Sit Ups
Also incase your intrested (I was fasinated to see lol) Here is my almost monthly totals (starting 11th November and finishing today)
2441 Calories (not including any walking)
12690 kg Lifted
26.14 miles traveled
lol normally you would do Running, Swimming and Cycle - work out the hours and distance travelled on each - I will do it in Feburary when I finally have a full month of exercise!
Aswell as the 20km bike ride I did the following weights: (all 10*2)
Seated Leg Curl ---------- 30kg
Seated Leg Press --------- 50kg
Calf Extention ------------ 35kg
Leg Extention ------------ 25kg
Row/Rear Deltoid -------- 15kg
Chest Press -------------- 15kg
Shoulder Press ----------- 3kg
Assisted Chin Up --------- 47kg
and 50 Sit Ups
Also incase your intrested (I was fasinated to see lol) Here is my almost monthly totals (starting 11th November and finishing today)
2441 Calories (not including any walking)
12690 kg Lifted
26.14 miles traveled
lol normally you would do Running, Swimming and Cycle - work out the hours and distance travelled on each - I will do it in Feburary when I finally have a full month of exercise!
Monday, 29 November 2010
Running Break Through
I wasn't going to post after todays gym session however I had a break through :D normally whilst running I run at speed 7 or 8 if I'm feeling good and even then its only for a maximum of 2 minutes - well today I walked at 6.5 for a minute, 9.0 for 5 minutes, 1.30 min at 5.8, 1.30 min and 1 min at 10. Whhoooo and since I've posted I will put my results below of my gym session:
Bike ------------ 5 ------- 4.37 ------- 10mins
Treadmill ------ n.a ----- 1.37 ------- 10 mins
Rower --------- 7 ------- 1762 ------- 10 mins
Stepper -------- 3 ------- 0.74 ------- 10 mins
Cross Trainer - 5 ------- 2.02 ------- 10 mins
and weights at 10 reps for 2 sets
Assisted Chin Up - 47kg
Chest Press - 15kg
Seated Leg Press -25kg
Leg Extension - 25kg
Sit Ups - 50
I'm feeling really good and fit at the moment. Because I did so well in the gym today (I was going to take it gentle whoops) I'm going to have a rest day tommorow, unless of course I feel and urge but if I do I will have to do a gentle one.
If you would like to sponser me visit
Bike ------------ 5 ------- 4.37 ------- 10mins
Treadmill ------ n.a ----- 1.37 ------- 10 mins
Rower --------- 7 ------- 1762 ------- 10 mins
Stepper -------- 3 ------- 0.74 ------- 10 mins
Cross Trainer - 5 ------- 2.02 ------- 10 mins
and weights at 10 reps for 2 sets
Assisted Chin Up - 47kg
Chest Press - 15kg
Seated Leg Press -25kg
Leg Extension - 25kg
Sit Ups - 50
I'm feeling really good and fit at the moment. Because I did so well in the gym today (I was going to take it gentle whoops) I'm going to have a rest day tommorow, unless of course I feel and urge but if I do I will have to do a gentle one.
If you would like to sponser me visit
Keeping Records

I always keep a record of what I am doing, and in my little red book I use to record what I am doing each day I also have a record. The book I use in the gym to compare my results during my 2 minute break so that I can see if I neeed to push harder on the next circuit.
I also have a spreadsheet which I have mentioned in previous posts which I have posted an image of what I have so far, most of the time there is a slight improvement each week (or mabye going down if I havent worked as hard, or struggled!)
Tonight my plan of action is the 10min CV training with some weights. This is 10 minutes on each piece of CV equipement, I'm not doing it race speed which I did yesterday, I will be doing a gentle ish 10 mins on each piece, I haven't decided on which weights I'm going to do but will include both arms and legs as well as some sit ups.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Times for the Gym
Another day in the gym but instead of my usual 7.30/8 pm time we went at 10.30am, didn't think it would make much of a difference. But I suffered for it, I don't know if it was because it was warmer or whether my dinner is a lot bigger than my breakfast but everything felt a lot harder and I letting off a lot more Sweat!
On the plus side I did improve my times on my weekly triathlon workout and improved some of my weights. Although not by a lot, a little often is brilliant. I am still convinced I will do this at least once every 6 days except when we go to australia but then we won't have a valid reason not to go for a run around the block because of the weather (as long as we go at a sensible time)
Right the results, again apologise about the layout it won't let me put tabs in where I want so it all gets bunched up!!
Exercise 1st 2nd 3rd
Bike 2.66 1.67 0.80
Treadmill 0.82 0.52 0.28
Rower 701 320 192
Stepper 0.38 0.16 0.08
Also we did weights today starting off with an Assisted Chin Up which I have never done before and to confuse everything the lighter the weight the harder it is to do - so the heavier the weight the easier it is to do. I did 10 reps and 2 sets. So the weights I did:
Assisted Chin Up: 47kg
Seated Leg Curl: 30kg
Seated Leg Press: 50kg
Row/Rear Deltoid: 15kg
Chest Press: 15kg
Shoulder Press: 3kg
Sit Ups 40
I am pleased because I managed to lift slightly more on some of them even after doing the cv workout. With Alex's encouragment anyways I increased thm and I want to increase the ones I didn't increase this time I want to increase them next time.
The last few days I've done either dog walking (always good for the dog though they get a lot more exercise than us!) and home exercises. Its stupid the Gym is only a minute away but the amount of effort it takes to get there is unreal - even though I enjoy it when I'm there doh!
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On the plus side I did improve my times on my weekly triathlon workout and improved some of my weights. Although not by a lot, a little often is brilliant. I am still convinced I will do this at least once every 6 days except when we go to australia but then we won't have a valid reason not to go for a run around the block because of the weather (as long as we go at a sensible time)
Right the results, again apologise about the layout it won't let me put tabs in where I want so it all gets bunched up!!
Exercise 1st 2nd 3rd
Bike 2.66 1.67 0.80
Treadmill 0.82 0.52 0.28
Rower 701 320 192
Stepper 0.38 0.16 0.08
Also we did weights today starting off with an Assisted Chin Up which I have never done before and to confuse everything the lighter the weight the harder it is to do - so the heavier the weight the easier it is to do. I did 10 reps and 2 sets. So the weights I did:
Assisted Chin Up: 47kg
Seated Leg Curl: 30kg
Seated Leg Press: 50kg
Row/Rear Deltoid: 15kg
Chest Press: 15kg
Shoulder Press: 3kg
Sit Ups 40
I am pleased because I managed to lift slightly more on some of them even after doing the cv workout. With Alex's encouragment anyways I increased thm and I want to increase the ones I didn't increase this time I want to increase them next time.
The last few days I've done either dog walking (always good for the dog though they get a lot more exercise than us!) and home exercises. Its stupid the Gym is only a minute away but the amount of effort it takes to get there is unreal - even though I enjoy it when I'm there doh!
If you would like to sponser me please visit:
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
The Attempt at the 5km Run
I knew I had to meet the end of November deadline for getting a time for a 5km run. I decided today I would have a go at it, I wasn't well yesterday so had a rest day hence today I thought it would be a good idea. I felt good this morning (other than being late for work) I was feeling fit, and when I got in from work I got changed so I would have no excuse for when Al came in from work.
Got to the gym, still feeling fit did a 5 min warm up on the bike and got on the treadmill. My initial thoughts were run for 5 walk for 1, excellent plan got started and got to the walk at almost 1km but had a stich and felt dead. So walked for 0.5 km and ran another 5km and felt dead. In the end I ran 2.50km in 21.07 which isn't good, and I was dissapointed. I think it may be because it was on a treadmill so pushed myself too hard at the start because in reality I couldn't run that fast on the road. I have put the run down as an Unfinished this month and I know that I need to work on it.
I couldn't leave the gym at that so decided that I would do some weights This is what I have done tonight on the weights all bar the sit ups was 10 reps with 2 sets.
Seated Leg Curl: 30kg
Seated Leg Press: 50kg
Calf Extension: 35kg
Leg Extension: 25kg
Row/Rear Deltroid: 15kg
Chest Press: 10kg
Shoulder Press: 2.5kg
and finally 40 sit ups
As you can see my arms need working on.
My main bit of advice would be take a partner who knows the gym with you - this way they can help you with your form and you can do the right about of reps in the correct form, ignoring the ones that are in poor form. You will hate them in the gym but appreciate them afterwards.
Got to the gym, still feeling fit did a 5 min warm up on the bike and got on the treadmill. My initial thoughts were run for 5 walk for 1, excellent plan got started and got to the walk at almost 1km but had a stich and felt dead. So walked for 0.5 km and ran another 5km and felt dead. In the end I ran 2.50km in 21.07 which isn't good, and I was dissapointed. I think it may be because it was on a treadmill so pushed myself too hard at the start because in reality I couldn't run that fast on the road. I have put the run down as an Unfinished this month and I know that I need to work on it.
I couldn't leave the gym at that so decided that I would do some weights This is what I have done tonight on the weights all bar the sit ups was 10 reps with 2 sets.
Seated Leg Curl: 30kg
Seated Leg Press: 50kg
Calf Extension: 35kg
Leg Extension: 25kg
Row/Rear Deltroid: 15kg
Chest Press: 10kg
Shoulder Press: 2.5kg
and finally 40 sit ups
As you can see my arms need working on.
My main bit of advice would be take a partner who knows the gym with you - this way they can help you with your form and you can do the right about of reps in the correct form, ignoring the ones that are in poor form. You will hate them in the gym but appreciate them afterwards.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Motivation to get outside
Over the weekend we took the dog for a long walk which is good for all of us. Today again I went to the gym did the same workout as last week these were the results:
Exercise Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3
Bike 2.60 1.55 0.83
Treadmill 0.80 0.48 0.28
Rower 640 313 157
Stepper 0.38
Cross Trainer 0.42 0.27
Now you will notice that i have an extra exersise - this wasn't because I was feeling fitter it was because I went to the gym half an hour earlier and it was a lot busier so the stepper wasn't free, and the cross trainer was the next best thing.
What I have also decided to do is put my results onto a spreadsheet so that in 6 months I can see how I improve. (Also I left my workout card in the gym, alex went back to get it and its dissapeared!)
Why I called this motivation to get outside is because I have zero motivation at the moment - so I have to make a choice do I run my 5km on the treadmill and risk giving up because I'm bored or do I brave the weather go at midday on a weekend and do it outside.
I promised myself that once a month I would time each section and when it gets warmer start doing them together. I have 9 days to do my 5km and I think its going to have to be outside due to the fact once I get to the church (half way) I have no option but to come back even if I have to walk it!
If you would like to sponser me please use this website
Exercise Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3
Bike 2.60 1.55 0.83
Treadmill 0.80 0.48 0.28
Rower 640 313 157
Stepper 0.38
Cross Trainer 0.42 0.27
Now you will notice that i have an extra exersise - this wasn't because I was feeling fitter it was because I went to the gym half an hour earlier and it was a lot busier so the stepper wasn't free, and the cross trainer was the next best thing.
What I have also decided to do is put my results onto a spreadsheet so that in 6 months I can see how I improve. (Also I left my workout card in the gym, alex went back to get it and its dissapeared!)
Why I called this motivation to get outside is because I have zero motivation at the moment - so I have to make a choice do I run my 5km on the treadmill and risk giving up because I'm bored or do I brave the weather go at midday on a weekend and do it outside.
I promised myself that once a month I would time each section and when it gets warmer start doing them together. I have 9 days to do my 5km and I think its going to have to be outside due to the fact once I get to the church (half way) I have no option but to come back even if I have to walk it!
If you would like to sponser me please use this website
Thursday, 18 November 2010
New Bike
Well my bike turned up today - with the back wheel, gears etc all attached. According to the rest of it is was easy assembly! Well I'm obviously rubbish with bikes because it took me 2 hours and most of what I did was thanks to my little brother on the phone!
So I thought I would take it for a quick ride and theres something not right - first time out the handle bars had swiveled so was going opposite was to the wheel - I obviously didn't do it up tight enough, so sorted that, 2nd time out got so far, breaked and my front wheel didn't break, so back to the house it was to tighten them.
I couldn't hardly do anything on it because something isn't right, but I just can't put my finger on it, I think its the front brakes, so what I have decided to do is wait until tommorow when my hands aren't as sore, I'm not annoyed at it and can look at it with fresh eyes.
My other thought was that maybe its there gears theres 18 for peaks sake 3 on one side and 6 on the other - might need to get some advice for them as I havent' a scoobie!
So I thought I would take it for a quick ride and theres something not right - first time out the handle bars had swiveled so was going opposite was to the wheel - I obviously didn't do it up tight enough, so sorted that, 2nd time out got so far, breaked and my front wheel didn't break, so back to the house it was to tighten them.
I couldn't hardly do anything on it because something isn't right, but I just can't put my finger on it, I think its the front brakes, so what I have decided to do is wait until tommorow when my hands aren't as sore, I'm not annoyed at it and can look at it with fresh eyes.
My other thought was that maybe its there gears theres 18 for peaks sake 3 on one side and 6 on the other - might need to get some advice for them as I havent' a scoobie!
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Motivation around the house
This is a quick post to show you some of the motivations I have around the house:

This one is one the fridge it shows all the days I have left until the Triathlon, everyday I fill in what I have done today - at the bottom is a key for whether it was home exercise, gym, swim, run, cycle extra lol.

This is my monthly test for the swim, cycle and run and an overall time if I have done it in one go - this is to see how I am improving

The final one which I did today is 9 Workout cards for the Gym - I will always have one to follow and won't get bored. It also means I go with a plan :)
Also I have Changed my aim time from 2 hours overall to a realistic aim of 1 hour 45 and a ideal aim of 1 hour 30 mins.
This one is one the fridge it shows all the days I have left until the Triathlon, everyday I fill in what I have done today - at the bottom is a key for whether it was home exercise, gym, swim, run, cycle extra lol.
This is my monthly test for the swim, cycle and run and an overall time if I have done it in one go - this is to see how I am improving
The final one which I did today is 9 Workout cards for the Gym - I will always have one to follow and won't get bored. It also means I go with a plan :)
Also I have Changed my aim time from 2 hours overall to a realistic aim of 1 hour 45 and a ideal aim of 1 hour 30 mins.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Gym Triathlon Training
Went this morning to the gym induction - nothing exciting there, just show around. I said I would go at 8 o clock this evening which I did. Prior to this I decided to try and find out a good routine for the gym. This is what I found
Exercise 1st Circuit 2nd Circuit 3rd Circuit
Bike 6mins 4mins 2mins
Treadmill 6mins 4mins 2mins
Rower 3mins 2mins 1min
Stepper 3 mins 2mins 1min
For me I had the bike at level 4, Treadmill at level 7, Rower at level 7 and the stepper at level 4.
My results came back as:
Exercise 1st Circuit 2nd Circuit 3rd Circuit
Bike 2.67km 1.40km 0.75km
Treadmill 0.64km 0.46km 0.22km
Rower 565m 321m 177m
Stepper 0.29km 0.18km 0.09km
Not a bad start - infact I was covered in sweat and bright red! I do need to find some way not to go so red, because I go red at the smallest thing! The plan is to do this once a week, so you will get the results from that - obviously the run won't improve as such until I decide to move the speed up! I want to improve the rest before I do that especially since my legs are aching lol
If you would like to sponser me you can do it online:
Exercise 1st Circuit 2nd Circuit 3rd Circuit
Bike 6mins 4mins 2mins
Treadmill 6mins 4mins 2mins
Rower 3mins 2mins 1min
Stepper 3 mins 2mins 1min
For me I had the bike at level 4, Treadmill at level 7, Rower at level 7 and the stepper at level 4.
My results came back as:
Exercise 1st Circuit 2nd Circuit 3rd Circuit
Bike 2.67km 1.40km 0.75km
Treadmill 0.64km 0.46km 0.22km
Rower 565m 321m 177m
Stepper 0.29km 0.18km 0.09km
Not a bad start - infact I was covered in sweat and bright red! I do need to find some way not to go so red, because I go red at the smallest thing! The plan is to do this once a week, so you will get the results from that - obviously the run won't improve as such until I decide to move the speed up! I want to improve the rest before I do that especially since my legs are aching lol
If you would like to sponser me you can do it online:
Monday, 15 November 2010
I'm still training lol its been one week since I started, so it is a good start! I went swimming straight after work today, we did half an hour and I worked on my arm technique plus speed - so I went 1 lenth with just my arms and one length norrmal swim - the last length I did legs only.
My theory for this (which might be a load of rubbish!) is I want to do the swim with as much arm stregth as possible there by saving the majority of my leg strength for the cycle and the run. I don't know if this is going to work but I can hope!
I am hoping my body stops aching at some point but then if it isn't I haven't done a hard enough work out! lol also probably a bad philosphy but it gets me working!
I am still working on getting a bike - I may not be able to get one until after christmas - but I can practice in the gym at least. Tommorow is my gym induction which means I can go without having to go with alex. The good thing is I have been itching to go and do some more work, which has got to be promising, I'm starting to really enjoy the fitness.
If you would like to sponser me online here is the link
My theory for this (which might be a load of rubbish!) is I want to do the swim with as much arm stregth as possible there by saving the majority of my leg strength for the cycle and the run. I don't know if this is going to work but I can hope!
I am hoping my body stops aching at some point but then if it isn't I haven't done a hard enough work out! lol also probably a bad philosphy but it gets me working!
I am still working on getting a bike - I may not be able to get one until after christmas - but I can practice in the gym at least. Tommorow is my gym induction which means I can go without having to go with alex. The good thing is I have been itching to go and do some more work, which has got to be promising, I'm starting to really enjoy the fitness.
If you would like to sponser me online here is the link
Friday, 12 November 2010
Wii Fit
I obviously have a slight bug for exercise because it felt odd sitting here donig nothing. So I got the good old Wii Fit out, now I know a lot of proper athletes don't like it however I do think it helps - anything that isn't sitting watching TV has got to help a little bit!
I did an hour of exercise so probably 1hr30mins by the time I got around doing the weighing and wii fit age and changing between the different exercises.
The plan tommorow is to go on a 5km run. I marked out the route today which is exactly 5km from my house (in a circuit so I end up back at my house) and weather permiting tommorow I will do a timed 5 km which will give me the set! Ok not in a row but it is my first week and I will wait until after christmas to do that!
I would of gone to the Gym today but I can't get in with Al because I haven't had an iduction or got my card to get in yet (on Tuesday morning) and it is blowing a gale and raining and I'm not that into exercise yet............. not convined I will be!
If you would like to sponser me online here is the link
I did an hour of exercise so probably 1hr30mins by the time I got around doing the weighing and wii fit age and changing between the different exercises.
The plan tommorow is to go on a 5km run. I marked out the route today which is exactly 5km from my house (in a circuit so I end up back at my house) and weather permiting tommorow I will do a timed 5 km which will give me the set! Ok not in a row but it is my first week and I will wait until after christmas to do that!
I would of gone to the Gym today but I can't get in with Al because I haven't had an iduction or got my card to get in yet (on Tuesday morning) and it is blowing a gale and raining and I'm not that into exercise yet............. not convined I will be!
If you would like to sponser me online here is the link
Thursday, 11 November 2010
20km Cycling
1Doing well so far -my swim yesterday was a lot better than I thought, as was my cycle today. I did 20km in 44.45, however what we must remember is that it is in the Gym and not outside unfortunatly - otherwise I'm already 15 minutes faster than my target!
I'm not feeling too bad at the moment which is good however I doubt I will be feeling so good in the morning!
Whilst I was in the gym (shhh I wasn't really in there since my induction isn't until Tuesday morning) I also did some weights for my arms because they are pathetically weak - I managed 10kg on the chest press, and 2.5kg free weights on the shoulder press. I also did 40 proper sit ups to help my core muscles I realised that I've got into to bad habits the last few years.
Thank You to my husband for helping me with my sit ups and weights although I was soon regreting it!
If you would like to sponser me it can be done online:
I'm not feeling too bad at the moment which is good however I doubt I will be feeling so good in the morning!
Whilst I was in the gym (shhh I wasn't really in there since my induction isn't until Tuesday morning) I also did some weights for my arms because they are pathetically weak - I managed 10kg on the chest press, and 2.5kg free weights on the shoulder press. I also did 40 proper sit ups to help my core muscles I realised that I've got into to bad habits the last few years.
Thank You to my husband for helping me with my sit ups and weights although I was soon regreting it!
If you would like to sponser me it can be done online:
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
500m Swim
Since I will be swimming 500m in the Triathlon I thought I would do the swim to see where I am at - I was very impressed to find that I did it in 15mins and wasn't too dead at the end of it. The problem I found was I didn't put my swimming cap on! Need to learn to do that!
Also my Trisuit came today, its shorts (just above the knee) one piece suit - it has a zip at the front. Its supposed to be quick drying so that you don't change out of it after the swim. I have yet to try that one! However I did feel very sporty in it, even though I'm not.
My gym induction has been moved to Tuesday so I will wait and see before I do the 20km and 5km test to see where I am at. I know I could do it outside but I'm still a pansy at the moment and find it too cold. I need to know where I am so that I know what I need to focus my training on, and although the gym bike/treadmills aren't the same as the real thing it is a start!
Also my Trisuit came today, its shorts (just above the knee) one piece suit - it has a zip at the front. Its supposed to be quick drying so that you don't change out of it after the swim. I have yet to try that one! However I did feel very sporty in it, even though I'm not.
My gym induction has been moved to Tuesday so I will wait and see before I do the 20km and 5km test to see where I am at. I know I could do it outside but I'm still a pansy at the moment and find it too cold. I need to know where I am so that I know what I need to focus my training on, and although the gym bike/treadmills aren't the same as the real thing it is a start!
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Signing UP
I did it - the least fittest person I know and I've for some reason have decided to try and raise £1000 for Cancer Research by doing the North West Triathlon.
I must be mad however it is all paid for, and the wheels set in motion for me to do it in September 2011!
The weather is awful at the moment so I have decided to get a gym membership, got a discount to £10 one off payment, and an induction on Wednesday morning. My bike is also having a full MOT so that it will be in perfect working order!
Started the day I entered and although I didn't find the omph to go out (it was blowing a gale and pouring it down) and I couldn't go to the gym, I dragged a rower out from the cupboard and did 30 mins on that, I also walk 2 miles to and from work everyday.
I must be mad however it is all paid for, and the wheels set in motion for me to do it in September 2011!
The weather is awful at the moment so I have decided to get a gym membership, got a discount to £10 one off payment, and an induction on Wednesday morning. My bike is also having a full MOT so that it will be in perfect working order!
Started the day I entered and although I didn't find the omph to go out (it was blowing a gale and pouring it down) and I couldn't go to the gym, I dragged a rower out from the cupboard and did 30 mins on that, I also walk 2 miles to and from work everyday.
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