Wednesday 8 December 2010

Swimming but with a cold

Lesson learnt don't swim with a cold - it takes it right out of you!! I did however complete the 500ms for this month. I was expecting my time to be slower because I miscounted by 4 lengths last time. So my last time was 15 minutes exactly this time was 18minutes 58 seconds.

Now this doesn't sound a fantastic time but I wasn't 100% and mabye I should of waited (except my pool does shut and I'm running to Australia) but I am pleased with my time but I am feeling it. My right leg mainly which is cramping - although I think that is due more to yesterdays run than todays swim!!

Also some people can be so rude in the pool! There are 3 lanes per say in our pool - a slow lane, a fast lane and a do whatever lane (which is about the size of 3 lanes). Now I am a slow swimmer hence I'm in the slow lane when I got there there was another person in the pool. I check what way we have to go and I look at him (my feet are in the pool) he's going the wrong way. But to be nice I thought I would go the same way as him - guess what I got told off!!

Anyway later on there was another person in the slow lane (making 3 of us) and the person who was already in, is all over the place not going any particular way and is really fast! Sorry but if the fast lane has 1 person in, the slow person has 3 people in and your lapping both people in it - get in the fast lane!

Sorry rant over it just really annoyed me!!

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