Friday 10 December 2010

Hit the 5km

My nose is running, I'm sweating like a big and shaking like a leaf but I couldn't be happier - today I hit 5km on the treadmill.

I went to the gym with a plan of action, a very simple plan of action - no circuits, no weights, no sit ups, no intervals just get to 5km even if it took me an hour walking it. My game plan was actually to just walk/jog it but I felt good (in a way) at 4km and ran the last km. It doesn't sound a lot but I think the furthest I have gone (not including dog walking or my charity walk :D ) is 2.5km in 30mins.

The time I did it in was 41:50 which I am so pleased at, in fact I am estatic I got it under 50mins - I think its because I did it by distance. Here is my break down of my first ever 5km:

0.00 ---------- 6 ------- Walk
0.50 ---------- 6.5 ----- Walk
1.00 ---------- 7 -------- Jog
1.50 --------- 7.5 ------ Jog
2.00 -------- 8 --------- Jog
3.00 -------- 6---------- Walk
3.50 -------- 6.5 ------- Walk
4.00 ------- 9 ---------- Run
4.50 ------ 10 ---------- Run
4.70 ------ 6 ----------- Walk
4.80 ------ 10 ---------- Run
4.90 ------ 11 ---------- Run

As you can see I broke it down (on the treadmill) by distance and at the beginning it was very difficult to stay walking - I wanted to run because I didn't feel as though I was working hard enough. But I told myself before I went to the gym I would only increase it every half km if I was feeling good and by no more the .5 of a level. Now by 4km I did change this but I wanted to push myself and I was confident that I would reach 5km.

All I have to do now is translate it to running outside instead of a treadmill because unfortunatly I can't do it like that outside. I don't know what I'm like running outside yet (because I haven't been!) however I know I can do the distance now.

I also feel that I could of stayed in to do some weights and a few sit ups but I can push my self too hard in the gym and it takes longer to recover - so although I do want to some more I won't - so that I can go down the gym tommorow :D

Update day after the run: OWWWWWW I am so sore, not that its putting me off doing it again, I'm just aching from head to toe. I was warned I would ache but after being alright after an hour or 2 from the gym I stupidly thought my body would agree with exercise. However I do feel like an old lady right now, so I won't be going to the gym today but do some lighter exercise (a long walk or the Wii Fit!) and go back to the gym tommorow.

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