Friday 11 February 2011

Back into It

Right it has been time to man up and get my arse off the sofa and start my training back up! I was going to ease into it slowly but that went out the window when I got there. So CV wise this I did 10km in 22.26 which I think is a decent time for me and the without a break I went to running 2.5km (so half the distances required for my triathlon and without the swim) I did the run in 19.10 again which I think is ok but does need improving. I did it 0.25km at 6 and 0.25km at 11 which killed me to be fair and I will be doing a gradual moving up in the speed which gets me there fastest and doesn't kill me!!

Because we haven't got a huge amount of time today we only did 1 min max of press ups and sit ups with no weights! I did worse than I normally do with 17 press ups (girly ones I have yet to advance to proper ones) and 29 sit ups.

We have planned tommorow my first outside run in who knows how many years! Fingers crossed its not raining.

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