Thursday 3 February 2011

Back to the Gym

Unfortunatly I am not here to say I have been to the gym - more say about how difficult it is to get back to going to the gym. Before I went to Australia I was in the gym 3/4 times a week for 2 hours at a time - since I came back I have been once and ran out of valid reasons. The stupid thing is I want to go but haven't.

I have got my bike fixed, new comfy seat, new lights and new tyre so my plan after this weekend (I am away this weekend) is to have 3 sessions a week - more realistic with my current situation. I want one session either an outside run or a swim, one session a bike ride and one in the gym. If I do more its a bonus but thats my plan - I have always worked better with a plan like when I went before.

I think the main problem at the moment is I like me time to sit and chill and not do anything - I don't want it all the time but whilst working longer hours at work and learning to drive in 2 months it doesn't leave a lot of time and I dont want to be going down the gym and then learning to drive - i need my whole mind on the driving and not on that pain or ache from the gym.

I am still doing the triathlon and the 5km race (sept and june) I am just having a small lull in my training but soon to be hit back up again :D

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