Tuesday 29 March 2011

Been a Long Time

First off - an apology for it being such a long time but I hate to say it but other than taking the dog for walks I haven't actually done any proper exercise! On the plus side I have now moved into my new house, and have a new job starting a week Monday!

Any today after deciding we have had enough of sorting the house out - we went to the local gym to sort out our memberships and tours etc. Once this was sorted we both knew straight away that we were going to the gym - we've really not had an excuse to go out running or me to go out on the bike but I shall use the excuse we were sorting the house out!

New gym but virtually the same equipment except the CV and the Weights are othersides of the sports hall - and theres a spin bike with a virtual trainer on it. I've never been spinning but heard a lot about it so thought I would give it a go because at the moment I can't get into a routine because as of Thursday I will be back in the old house sorting it out (however that does mean I should get a lot of outside running done with nothing in the house to entertain me bar cleaning!)

Did a warm up on the recumbant bike then went to the spin bike - took a while to sort it out but eventially I did - origionally was going to do it as part of my 10 minute challenge but then realised the only programes we're 30mins - not a problem I thought. Got to 10mins and was sweating so much and dying that I stuck to my origional 10 minutes. When I got off I wasn't able to walk in a straight line!! Think I over estimated myself and need to readjust next time - at least I now have a target of completing the 30mins on it.

As you can probably tell I was dying! Also probably hasn't helped not doing exercise in almost a month ..... whoops. So onto the treadmill which has an up to date computer (very fancy) and thought I would try something less demanding and not over estimate my fitness again. I choose the kilimonjaro Task - basically you choose from 10 levels, and up to 6.5 kmph and then depending on your level and your speed it chooses a time you will need. The reason its kilimonjaro is because you go up the incline and then back down it - with an image of kilimonjaro behind on the screen showing your progress (2000ft).

I chose level 5 with it being the middle, and speed 6kmph because thats a fast walking speed for me. It took 45mins and I climbed 266 feet - and was actually harder than I thought - not on breathing but your muscles etc. and at the end when the incline was decreasing I found it hard not to speed up - but I'm glad I didn't. In the last 10minutes alex jumped onto the treadmill next to me, joined me at 6kmph so we could work on my pace because although we are the same height - I take 3/4 steps to his one - which is a lot of wasted effort on my part. It was a brilliant exercise and really stretched my legs.

Also I have now re-done my spreadsheets here is what I have done so far from setting off into the world of exercise. I have noticed I used to put walks on there - which I refuse to do now because it isn't real exercise!

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