Tuesday 22 February 2011


I have finally done it - though mabye kicking and screaming - we went for a run in the wide world instead of hiding in the gym. (Although my husband does do outside running anyway!) I must say I was very very impressed with my self - the plan was to run/walk to Naphill village hall, walk around the field and run/walk back. Using my new funky iphone app (Micoach) (and a pocked sewn into my t-shirt) I was able to track my route, speed, distance, calories (no idea how accurate) and pace as well as splits which I don't understand.

To the village hall it was 1.91km and I walked for only 0.23km - so for more than half which is what I thought I would be able - we then walked half a km (exactly) around the field, which helped get rid of the stitch I had - we then finished at a total marker of 4.18km - although I did walk more often on the way back (but definatly not more than half)

What I was going to say suprised me was that we were slower on the way back - but putting elevation as an overlay - its actually up hill coming back :D

At least the first barrier has been broken - I have been outside :D

Sunday 20 February 2011


I know I've been busy lately (namely sorting out the house and learning to drive!) but since it was a dry day ( I would say nice but I won't) I thought I would take my bike out for a ride - the longest I've been on my new bike is to the end of the road and back. Also I wanted to test out a new app. on my phone which is call MiCoach and using GPS measures your speed, distance, calories (not worried) and time - and you can see your results afterwards and it puts your route on a map. It has charts etc showing you your speed/elevation etc throughtout the workout (It does running, walking, cycling and randomly nordic skiing) - I've actually found it very useful.

Now I was out for 17.34 which got me 4.24km and was a good test ride because it means I know there is a few adjustments I need to make on the bike - namely moving the seat forward a bit. Also one of my biggest problems is the gears - I am struggling to use them effectively. I am looking to going out again - even if my *flat* route definatly wasn't flat!

Friday 11 February 2011

Back into It

Right it has been time to man up and get my arse off the sofa and start my training back up! I was going to ease into it slowly but that went out the window when I got there. So CV wise this I did 10km in 22.26 which I think is a decent time for me and the without a break I went to running 2.5km (so half the distances required for my triathlon and without the swim) I did the run in 19.10 again which I think is ok but does need improving. I did it 0.25km at 6 and 0.25km at 11 which killed me to be fair and I will be doing a gradual moving up in the speed which gets me there fastest and doesn't kill me!!

Because we haven't got a huge amount of time today we only did 1 min max of press ups and sit ups with no weights! I did worse than I normally do with 17 press ups (girly ones I have yet to advance to proper ones) and 29 sit ups.

We have planned tommorow my first outside run in who knows how many years! Fingers crossed its not raining.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Back to the Gym

Unfortunatly I am not here to say I have been to the gym - more say about how difficult it is to get back to going to the gym. Before I went to Australia I was in the gym 3/4 times a week for 2 hours at a time - since I came back I have been once and ran out of valid reasons. The stupid thing is I want to go but haven't.

I have got my bike fixed, new comfy seat, new lights and new tyre so my plan after this weekend (I am away this weekend) is to have 3 sessions a week - more realistic with my current situation. I want one session either an outside run or a swim, one session a bike ride and one in the gym. If I do more its a bonus but thats my plan - I have always worked better with a plan like when I went before.

I think the main problem at the moment is I like me time to sit and chill and not do anything - I don't want it all the time but whilst working longer hours at work and learning to drive in 2 months it doesn't leave a lot of time and I dont want to be going down the gym and then learning to drive - i need my whole mind on the driving and not on that pain or ache from the gym.

I am still doing the triathlon and the 5km race (sept and june) I am just having a small lull in my training but soon to be hit back up again :D