Sunday 15 May 2011

Bad Week, Good Weekend

So this week started alright - I've started my new job, couldn't do anything Monday due to training but wasn't worried because my routine allows for 2 days off. Tuesday first day properly at work, feeling really good and go to the pool on the way back since its on the way.

Did 13 mins (340m) and lesson very quickly learnt if I'm going from work to pool eat something before you go swimming - or at least late afternoon. I had zero energy, and was starving - also was very busy (won't always be finishing at that time) and was 5 or 6 to a land. So thought I'l leave it at that at least I've done something.

Rest of the week just failed and did nothing - all good intentions but think my body is adjusting to work life again! Anyways got to Friday gone 10pm, darn it, again I haven't done anything!! Saturday comes, sleep in not a problem go out for a run in the evening about 5pm) and really impressed myself - was going to do a normal run (for me about 2/3km) I actually did 4.22km in 34mins. An average 8min km (don't know what that is in miles) and my breathing was a massive improvement ... ok my legs may have been dying but I felt really good.

I then went home for and hour and had dinner, then actually went to the gym and completed 20km on the Bike Trainer - and even better knocked 2mins off my last best time - I completed 20km in 42.20mins. Such a shame it won't relate to outside. After seeing how much my outside running is coming on just by getting out and doing it - even if its short and slow. I am going to have to get out on my bike - and slowly build it up. From running being my weakest I definatly think my bike is going to be my biggest problem now.

After doing all of that yesterday (felt fantastic) I am paying for it today but I knew I had to do something today so I can get my weeks minutes up since last week was dreadful (My aim each week is 150mins of exercise a week) I did take the dog out for a lovely long walk but because I'm not ill I didn't count this as I did in week 2. I opted for an hour (and 8mins) of recovery exercises. This included Yoga, streches, V-Sits, balance exercises and gentle aerobic exercises, Not fantastic for CV or even specifically tri related however my poor muscles needed it - they haven't forgiven me for yesterday yet.

Hoping this week to get into a rounte with work and exercising although I fear this may not be possible because we haven't been given our shift pattern yet. Determined to do more swimming (at least twice next week), try for 2 running outside, and one bike ride outside - more if I can. Obviously I will go to the gym as well but I need to work on getting out and about! No matter what the weather.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Slow Third Week

Third week of training and it's been a bit of a slow week on the training front for me - a total of 87mins because I've had 4 days where either I was recovering or just plain failed to get off the sofa. On the plus side I started work on Thursday which means I can start getting into a proper routine! However on the downside (exercise wise) I will be away for a few days doing training etc but I am still determined to get exercise in since it will make a nice change to driving in my car to visit the various training area's.

On the plus side the 3 sessions I did we're some of my best. It started out with my furthest run outside at 4.65km in 35.48mins - on target so far as running is conserned. I can also make that loop into a 5km by running round the field for a second time. I also picked up the pace a bit and kept up with my husband who paced me for aproximetly a km. I didn't walk to much, felt fantastic afterwards and suffered the next day. But with practice I will get better.

I did an 11min swim - not anywhere near as long as I wanted because I went in hoping to do 600-700m however when I entered there was 20mins until closing time! and I still needed to get changed, get a decent workout in and get out and changed! I could have left it but I knew already that I was down on my workout's this week so thought sod it I'l do as much as I can until I'm told to get out - which meant no stopping. It worked to my advantage because it was my fastest swim as per average lengths and no stopping at the ends to catch my breath. In 11 minutes I managed 340m - well on target for my 500m in 15mins. I think at the moment I'm doing 500m in 20mins. Or at least I know I can do 600m in 23mins.

Lastley yesterday we went to the sports hall - the plan was to show my sister in law the military fitness test because she's thinking of joining up, so we let her (and my husband) do the bleep test (which I sat out on to do the bleeps on my iphone) and then max effort pressups in a minute (I can only do girly ones) and max effort sit ups in a minute.

We were then supposed to be going on the run we did Tuesday however it was getting dark and I didn't have my reflective gear with me - and neither did my husband or his sister. So we thought we would do a mini circuit because my sister in law couldn't go into the fitness suite. Because I hadn't done the bleep test I ran twice around the hall just to warm up - then did the sit ups and press ups. Our circuit consisted of (At a minute each) Step Ups, half sits, Astride Jumps, lunges, squats and tricep dips. After which I then ran 10 laps around the hall (the others did less - although they had done the bleep test) We were hurting by this point and decided to do it again but at 30seconds to each exercise but no stopping inbetween. We did this and because my running is the weakest I did another 10laps around the hall whilst they packed up the equipment.

We worked out that I ran 1.76km at aprox 30seconds a lap (80m a lap) really pleased I did it but suffering today! The tops of my legs are aching like anything. However that isn't the reason I'm not doing anything today - thats because I'm going to London and slept in this morning.

So although the timing is not up to what I hoped I had 3 really really good work outs so I'm still pleased this week, hopefully next week I will get some more workouts in!

Sunday 1 May 2011

2nd Week of Full Training

Well 2nd week of proper training with half a plan and its gone really really well and ignoring the headache that has nothing to do with the training I'm feeling fabolous! Total exercise time wise it is looking like this:

Week 1: 156mins
Week 2: 233mins

So a massive increase although I'm not sure it will be as much next week! I had 3 sessions in the gym - 2 10min challanges that I want to show you the results of, and then a random gym session with biking and running.

Went twice swimming - which I had a bad one and a really good one both over 600m, unfortunatly the really good one I didn't get split times - which is unfortunate but Alex couldn't see me to time me. However because of this I have taken the bullet and brought a swim watch - which counts the laps/times/pace etc for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works because it is a fairly pricey bit of kit! But Alex won't always be there - in fact the majority of the time won't be there since I'l probably do it on the way back to work.

Today I did a long walk with my puppy and husband - normally I wouldn't count this as *exercise* but since I've had a headache all day and already had my two days off I thought something was better than nothing. So we walked faster and for longer than we normally do.

So at the moment my weeks are, 4 days of 1 session training, 1 day of 2 sessions, and 2 days off. It doesn't matter what days they are on as long as I can try to keep to it. It starts Monday and finishes on Sunday.

Anyway I wanted to show you my 10 minute challenge results so here they are:

Whats even better than doing my best on 4 out 5 of the activities this is after I had done a really good session (my longest!) at the pool.

Definatly in a brilliant mood this week - lets hope the coming weeks are the same if not better! However what I have missed out on this week is outside work both on the bike and running. So my aim next week is to get at least 1 session of each in.