Now I wasn't feeling well tonight and thought about not going to the gym, and told myself I would feel worse if I did. However I talked myself into going because I said I would attempt again the 10 minute challenge - so far I had done it 4 times and only completed all 5 activities once, did 4 and half of them on another. For those who don't know the 10 minute challange is to complete 10 minutes on 5 CV machines (in this order: Bike, Running, Rower, Stepper, Cross Trainer) and get as far as possible.
I thought to myself when I got to the gym the only goal of the night was to complete all 5 machines at 10 minutes, taking it nice and easy - because of this I didn't look at what I go previously so I couldn't *race* myself which I know I can do very easily!
Well goal one complete - I completed all 5 activities for the required times, not only that I also did it to what I feel was a high standard - here is my spreadsheet so far:
Now I said I would mention what else I was up to this week. Well last week was the 20 week mark which meant I had to sort my training out - I can't compete in the triathlon without training! My first task was to find a swimming pool that wouldn't cost me a fortune! I have ended up going with LA Fitness which unfortunatly is about a 20 minute drive away; and oddly warm which I wasn't expecting when I jumped in it for my first swim!
That final sorted, on Wednesday just gone I got my bike out and tackled the scary A15 on my bike, and yes it's scary and did a small bit on the road before going the other way and finding a cycle path - I did 29 mins and just under 8km. On the same day but in the evening, me and my husband went on a run around where we live - manage 2.8km which took about 26 minutes.
So just to finish up all the exercise last week (Monday to Sunday) totalled at 156 minutes - which is a lot more than any other so far! Hopefully it will only go up from now!